

  1. Definitions
    1. Natural Waterway: Any body of water that has generated in the overworld at level y:62 upon loading chunks for the first time
      and has continuity with an ocean, including the ocean itself.
    2. Public Waterway: Any natural waterway that is navigable by boat without the aid or use of terraforming.
    3. Private Waterway: Any natural waterway that is non-navigable by boat without the aid or use of terraforming.
    4. Public Airspace: All y coordinates greater than the max build height/limit.
    5. Private Airspace: All y coordinates not greater than the max build height/limit.
    6. Land: The solid part of the surface of the earth and all its natural resources.
    7. Natural Resources: Industrial materials (such as mineral deposits) supplied by nature that has economic value and is a source of wealth.
    8. Borrow: To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent;
      To take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it.
    9. Steal: To take (the property of another) without right or permission; To get or take secretly or artfully.
    10. Liable: Legally obligated or responsible.
    11. Trespass: To enter the owner's land or property without permission; Entry to a person's land or property without their permission.
    12. Interchange: Tracks joining two railroads that are an official hand-off point for trading cars destined for the other railroad;
      The location or junction where cars are transferred from one railroad to another.
    13. Foul: A car (or train) that has not passed over a switch and frog far enough so that another car (or train) can pass without collision.
    14. Engineer: The operator of a locomotive.
    15. Conductor: One who is in charge of a railroad train.
    16. Bridge: A structure spanning and providing passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway;
      Something resembling or analogous to this structure in form or function.
    17. Provoke: To incite to anger or resentment; To stir to action or feeling; To give rise to; Bring about.
    18. ROW: Right of Way
    19. MOW: Maintenance of Way
    20. AFK: Away From Keyboard
  2. General
    1. Do not steal from other players, companies, railroads, etc.
    2. Do not grief other players, companies, railroads, etc.
    3. No unprovoked PVP. However, dueling between consenting parties is always acceptable.
    4. Land, right of way, natural resources, loot, etc. is on a first come, first serve basis.
    5. Private property can be claimed by the placement of a sign, colored wool, build/structure and/or chest with inventory.
    6. No trespassing on other players, companies, railroads, etc. private property without permission from the respective owner.
    7. Public waterways can not be claimed and are publicly available/accessible for free passage and travel.
    8. Public waterways may not be artificially and/or intentionally obstructed as to impeade the free passage of players.
    9. When constructing a bridge over a public waterway, leave at least a (1.5) block
      spacing between the surface of the waterway and the bottom of the bridge.
    10. Do not AFK farm during times where the total server population is greater than (2) active players online.
    11. Do not break any spawner blocks with an exception of Silverfish spawners and Cave Spider spawners.
    12. Do not craft or manufacture any diamonds or its derivatives, in any capacity, for any reason, unless sourced from diamond ore, diamond blocks, or Wilber Coins.
    13. Do not spawn any withers in the overworld dimension.
  3. Industry
    1. Each industry shall be built in their own standalone buildings on their own individual properties.
    2. Clearing land to make way for a one time construction is not considered industry involvement of the material being removed/cleared.
    3. Railroad trackage may be built and owned by any industry type, however, they may not
      be operated for revenue service without having the “Railroading” industry slot active.
    4. A transportation industry is liable for any damages, losses, or injuries to
      customers or their property while in the care and oversight of the transportation company.
    5. When a player sells, abandons, or declares bankruptcy on one of their industries, they
      shall not continue to sell goods or services provided from the discarded industry.
    6. A power companies powerline right of way shall not exceed (5) blocks in width from the side of the outer most pole/post.
    7. Do not transport more than (18) stacks of bulk or repetitive goods through the nether or with an elytra.
  4. Railroad
    1. A local neighboring railroad must make a connection to an industry when requested by the industry owner.
    2. A railroad must establish an interchange with another local neighboring railroad upon request from the other railroad
      or by request from an industry owner seeking to transport goods to a destination only accessible by the other railroad.
    3. All railroad interchanges shall have there division point clearly marked and defined giving definative separation of ROW.
    4. Railroad right of ways that do not have trackage or blueprints in place shall be physically defined by placing the
      company’s color of wool as a visual placeholder where trackage is intended to be laid in the future.
    5. It is at the discretion of the existing railroad whether or not to allow another railroad to intersect them with a grade level diamond crossing.
    6. A railroads right of way extends both above and below grade level.
    7. A railroad company must obtain trackage rights from the other railroad company
      before they can operate their equipment on the other company’s trackage.
    8. Standard Gauge
      1. A standard gauge railroads right of way shall not exceed (9) blocks in width for single trackage. (4) blocks from the centerline of the railroads trackage.
      2. A standard gauge railroads right of way may exceed (9) blocks in width if there are reasonable plans to install parallel trackage or a siding in the future.
      3. A standard gauge railroads right of way shall not exceed (15) blocks in width for double track parallel trackage.
    9. Narrow Gauge
      1. A narrow gauge railroads right of way shall not exceed (8) blocks in width for single trackage. (4) blocks from the centerline of the railroads trackage.
      2. A narrow gauge railroads right of way may exceed (8) blocks in width if there are reasonable plans to install parallel trackage or a siding in the future.
      3. A narrow gauge railroads right of way shall not exceed (13) blocks in width for double track parallel trackage.

Recommendations and Guidelines

  1. Railroading
    1. Only use North American track, rollingstock, etc. to maintain interoperability and compatibility with the rest of the server.
    2. Do not travel against a switch's alignment unless it is declared to be a spring switch by the owning company of the switch.
    3. A piece of railroad equipment should not exceed the server speed limit of (45) Mph.
    4. A standard gauge railroad should maintain no less than a (3) block gap between parallel mainline trackage.
      One block on either side of the track for rail vehicle overhang, and one center block for personnel to safely stand.
    5. A standard gauge railroad should maintain no less than a (1) block gap between parallel yard trackage.
      One block on either side of the track for rail vehicle overhang.
    6. Do not stop and leave rail equipment positioned in a way that would foul a switch.
      (It’s annoying for the efficient operation of a railroad and highly risks collision of rail equipment.)
    7. between parallel standard gauge mainline trackage for perfect and even alignment.
    8. During switching operations, the front of a train should always be defined by the orientation of the controlling locomotive.
    9. During road operations, the front of a train should always be defined by the end with the leading/controlling locomotive.
    10. All railroads should install derails when possible at interchange points and customer/industry sidings.
      (This will prevent runaway railcars from customers/industries as well as runaway trains coming from
      other railroads getting onto the mainline and causing a possible collision.)
    11. The absolute minimum curve radius, not on lines for general service, should not be less than (44) blocks.
    12. The minimum curve radius on lines for general service should not be less than (63) blocks.
    13. The minimum curve radius on freight main lines should not be less than (88) blocks.
    14. When placing/connecting tracks to a turntable, set "AnglePlacementSeagmentation" to (16).
    15. The maximum speed limit when operating rail equipment on a turntable should not exceed (5) Mph.
    16. Do not break or pick up a piece of rollingstock (with the exception of the handcar or speeder)
      unless it has glitched and/or bugged from its otherwise expected position.
    17. Return all switches back to the main position after use.
    18. Keep all cossover switches in corespondence at all times.

Elected City Roles

  • City Mayor
    • Attends and leads public meetings.
    • Organizes cooperation between elected officials.
  • Head of City Planning
    • Communicates with the Surveyor
    • Decides where builds get placed.
  • Head Architect
    • Coordinates with the Head of City Planning
    • Decides how builds looked.
  • Head Treasurer
    • Manages city financials and the Traincoin banking system.
  • Head Secretary
    • Writes meeting agendas.
    • Records meeting minutes.

Elected Server Roles

  • Judge
  • Sheriff
    • Enforces server rules and regulations.
    • Helps players with general needs.
  • Postmaster
    • Sorts and delivers mail.
  • Surveyor
    • Communicates with the Head of City Planning
  • Head of Transportation
    • Coordinates with the Head of City Planning
    • Manages all public ROW's.
    • Inspects private ROW's for server rule violations.
  • Head of Commerce

Server Jobs

  • Lawyer
    • Reports to the Judge
  • Mailman
    • Reports to the Postmaster
  • Historian
    • Reports to the Head Secretary
  • Deputy
    • Reports to the Sheriff

Unelected Roles

  • Councillor